Looking for some low-waste plastic free gift ideas that don't break the bank, take little time to make and taste delicious? Look no further because we have it covered with these vegan chocolate truffles! Low on supplies? Just roll it in cocoa powder and they'll taste delicious. Wanting to jazz them up? Roll them in finely chopped pistachio, cranberries or toasted coconut!

250g vegan dark chocolate
125g coconut cream
1 tsp vanilla extract
Pinch of flaky sea salt
Decoration (optional)
finely chopped pistachio
finely chopped roasted almonds
Toasted desiccated coconut
Finely chopped dried cranberries
- In a medium sized bowl break up the dark chocolate into small pieces, roughly the size of a piece of chocolate.
- In a large pan bring the coconut cream, vanilla and salt to a boil - keep an eye on it because cream can go from zero to one hundred!
- Once the cream has reached a boil pour it over the chocolate and leave to sit for 5-10 minutes.
- Stir until all of the chocolate has melted and you have a smooth paste.
- Line a baking tray or plate that can fit in your fridge set a side.
- Let the ganache/chocolate paste cool for a 10-15 more minutes, once a little cooler pour in a reusable piping bag if you have one. If you don't just use a spoon.
- Pipe bite sizes dollops on the un-baking paper until you have used all of the mix.
- Leave to set in the fridge for a few hours - once set, roll them in your hands until you have a smooth ball.
- Roll them in your desired decoration and leave to set in the fridge again!
- Enjoy your deliciously rich chocolate truffles or pop them in a glass jar as an eco-friendly Christmas gift.
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